Hello blog!

A friend asked me why I don’t blog anymore. At first, the answer seemed simple – I don’t have anything interesting to write lately.  Besides, I’ve picked up so many other hobbies that my mind is always racing from one project to another.  And by the time I’m done with them, my brain is too tired to put together coherent thoughts, let alone any stimulating stories… And THAT my friend, is the exact reason that I don’t write much any longer: I don’t think I’ll be able to produce anything worth reading to anyone!!! My ego is resurfacing – If I don’t think I will do something very well, I will avoid it altogether! And truthfully, who would be interested in reading these ramblings that seem to never end?  I was taught to write everything with an opening, a body, and a conclusion – a punch line, a call to action, something for the readers to remember!  If I don’t have a point to make, I don’t feel inclined to write.

Today is different – there are no points to this post; just rambles…

I looked back at this blog post and realized how much I’ve changed.  I’ve gotten married, started to build my own family, established my own life, and most important of all, been able to somewhat distance myself from all of the destructive influences.  I still have to face “it” every now and then, but now I can handle it with much more calm – or is it indifference?  It doesn’t matter, I guess.  I am just tired of all the turmoil.  I still did lose my temper last week (and a few times before), but I promised myself I’d keep working on it.