YOU choose which glasses to wear…

Yeah – I know I just stole Adam’s speech ;-).  I changed the title though. I like mine better LOL… Adam delivered, again, an outstanding speech last night.  It is, as he said it himself, one of the age-old life philosophies that “all self-improvement gurus talk about” (verbatim).  However, it really does make you think every time you’re reminded of it… Very true indeed.

I’m not going to dissect and re-analyze what Adam already wonderfully captured, nevertheless.  My mind was going off 18 other different directions as I drove home last night (and 18 is just a make-up number :-). My brain was too pre-occupied for the portion that handles numbers to actually counted how many directions I was branching out)… I was thinking … It is true that at every single moment of our life, we choose the thoughts and hence, the resulting feelings that we get… That I totally get and believe in.  However, what interesting is how each individual has been taught or learnt how to choose those thoughts at all (consciously or unconsciously).  Are there some innate genes that help some individuals choose better choices than others or is it just all a matter of nurture?  Personally I think nature does play a role in this, though probably nurture is the much bigger influence.  I wish we could do an experiment on two babies – put them in the exact same environment and raise them in the exact same manner and see how they will turn out.  Back to the main point, though it is true that we can choose to put on any pair of glasses to create our reality at any instance, the experiences we’ve had throughout our lives largely dictate that decision.  Some individuals have been raised in such a way that a dark or stinky milieu is all that they know of and that IS their comfort zone.  Hence they will repeatedly choose a pair of sun glasses to wear.  Others are used to wearing rosy glasses that put a shiny, colorful, but unreal mask on everything they see.  Those constantly live in denial.  How can one EVER know what is the RIGHT pair of glasses for them in each situation?  This bridges to the next million dollar question (usually for women :-)): When do you know you’re truly in a BAD relationship and it’s not just because of that dark SPF50+ pair of sun glasses you chose to put on your beau???  To those who have never had problem answering that question, who have always seemed to see things as clearly as their 20/20 vision allows them to see, or who think it’s not even worth their time to delve that deeply into such a question, I guess there’s nothing further to discuss.  But I bet the majority of the population (myself included) struggle with this at one or more points in their lifetimes.  One of the most common answers to this enigma is: You know when the relationship makes you miserable or happy… But how do you REALLY know if you’re happy or unhappy because the pair of glasses you’re wearing is too dark, too rosy, or is it truly clear?????  THAT, in my opinion, is the tricky part.  I sometimes am envious at those who are either i) objectively healthy and know it, ii) objectively totally unhealthy and oblivious to that fact, or iii) don’t give a damn ;-).  I think they have it the easiest.  The most complicated permutation is those individuals who KNOW that they are UNhealthy (or partially so).  It is the knowledge of that fact about themselves and the work involved to fix their broken parts that can prove arduous and unbearable sometimes.  It is hard work because the only tool they have to work with is their MIND, their BRAIN, their WILL.  And these 3 parts themselves are possibly, and probably, broken also, because they, in fact, have been molded by the same experiences as the individuals!!!!  Actually, what defines an individual is ultimately boils down to just his mind.  Even a person’s heart/feelings are dictated by the thoughts triggered by his mind.  As the saying goes, “As a man thinketh, so he is.”  Hence for these individuals, they have to use the working parts of their mind to mend the broken parts.  And how can they tell which parts are working and which parts aren’t????  Isn’t the mind, again, is the only thing they have to make that identification?  Therefore, it can be quite an exhausting journey … Is it worth it?  Of course, that depends.  If there are more working parts in their mind than broken ones, they will “know” that it IS worth it.  If not, then the answer is also obvious: it’s better to just be oblivious.  To them, ignorance is truly a blessing.

This is why I deeply admire, respect, and love those who are introspective.  I personally believe the hardest battle is the one with oneself- whether it is just seeking to understand oneself clearly or fighting against certain characteristics.  And depending on the upbringing, childhood experiences, and the environment, the magnitude of this battle can vary greatly.

I think I’m losing my original trend of thought LOL… Will continue later :-).

But best of luck to Adam and his contest this upcoming Friday.  Unfortunately I will have to miss it due to a prior engagement….